In Shakespeare’s renowned play titled Macbeth, the theme “Fair is foul and foul is fair” resonates throughout one of his finest tragedies. The theme in a literal sense highlights the contradictory nature of situations; things that seem appealing can be deceptive in reality. Three witches vaguely prophesy to Macbeth (by telling him he would become King). He believes it and falls victim to his own ambition thus leading to his ultimate demise. The play manifests the true effects deception and gullibility can have on man. From politics to the corporate world, shades of both abounds. Football as a cultural institution is no exception; In fact it is the perfect litmus test in examining this human phenomenon. Deceptive Players, Gullible Supporters The average career of a professional footballer barring grave injuries lasts around 15 years. From badge-kissing during goal celebrations, to a cheerful phizog when partaking in charitable works on behalf of clubs, footballers sell a fal...
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